Leamington School

(07) 827 5747 Lamb Street, Cambridge 3432

New Enrolments

When children start at Leamington School, we go to great lengths to make them feel safe, happy and part of the class.  Children are given a buddy who will show them around the class, the playground and be their friend for the first couple of days until they make friends of their own.

Leamington School is governed by an enrolment scheme.  Due to the popularity of our school, and the demand for spaces, out of zone enrolments may require a little extra time to consider and process.  In Term 3, of each year, the Board of Trustees  determine the number of out of zone places that could be made available for the subsequent year through a ballot.  Please contact our school office on 827 5747 for the latest information regarding places for out of zone enrolments.

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