Leamington School
(07) 827 5747 Lamb Street, Cambridge 3432

Leamington School

(07) 827 5747 Lamb Street, Cambridge 3432

About our School


Welcome to the Leamington School community. We are located in the Cambridge suburb of Leamington and cater for children from Years 1 to 6.  

Leamington School is a place where children grow into responsible, respectful and successful young adults.


In recent years, the suburb of Leamington has changed considerably due to new sub-divisions being established, reflecting the increasingly affluent community. The school has kept pace with this change and reflects the high expectations and pride that our community has towards its local school.

Our school is a large sized school, growing to approximately 600 children by the end of the year. We are progressive, forward thinking and creative with how we deliver the curriculum to our students.

We place emphasis on doing the very best for the children, and from this comes lots of innovation, high standards and excellence. As a result, our school is widely considered an educational leader in the Cambridge and wider Waikato area.

 Our school is extremely well supported by an active, involved parent community. We are also extremely well supported by many local businesses who get behind us whenever they can.

 We set high academic, sporting, cultural and behavioural expectations for our children, which results in our children achieving to high standards in all areas. 

As a school we have two driving forces which guide our class programmes. These have been developed through consultation with our community, and research on what skills children will need to be successful in the future. These are to develop a set of essential Core Goals the children will need  and Virtues which will help them grow into responsible, respectful, confident and resilient adults.

 As a school we stand apart from others in that we place particular emphasis on developing not only academic and sporting strengths in our children, but also provide extensive opportunities in the arts. Our orchestra, choirs and kapa haka groups are frequently asked to perform within the Cambridge community, and are unique to our school.

To find out more about our school, or to come and sample the special culture that our children enjoy, please contact the school office to make an appointment to come and see us. You are very welcome.

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(07) 827 5747 Lamb Street, Cambridge 3432