Leamington School

(07) 827 5747 Lamb Street, Cambridge 3432

The PTA plays a key role within the school and Leamington School is  very fortunate to have a parent body that is willing to actively help the school in a number of ways.  The two roles of the PTA is to:
1. Raise money for the school to ensure the children enjoy resources that would not otherwise be possible.
2. To add to the community feel of the school by being a link between our parent body and our school.
Each year the PTA indicates what things they are willing to help with.  Parents indicate willingness to help with things like the swimming sports, grandparents day, discos, raffles etc.  This means that the organising committee can organise events in confidence knowing that there are many helpers to get in behind the initiatives they are promoting, and who to ring to ask for help when needed.
In recent years the PTA have helped to fund a new playground, new library resources, computer equipment, maths and reading resources.
You don't have to be a parent to be part of our PTA; grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends are very welcome to come along to the PTA's informal meetings.  Please email pta@leamington.school.nz to find out more information and when their next get together will be held.

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